"Worlde Famous" - persons and powers of influence in the realms

The Imperial Sentinels

Epic knights -personal guard of the Emperor



A corps of super-elite knights that guard and protect the Emperor, his family and the Palace. The Imperial Sentinels seem part of the Palace itself, as they stand at station their motionless, silent presence is ever watchful and unrelenting. Rarely seen on the battlefield, these mighty knights lead no armies, they seldom travel, and their armored companies train and barrack in the city itself. Their existence and expertise is totally dedicated to protecting the court of the Emperor, and they never deviate from that duty.

The majority of the Imperial Sentinels guard and patrol the Palace on foot, but a select few serve as dragon riders. A wing of 10 Silver Dragons and their chosen riders form the unit called the Cadre Draconus, they serve as the airborne arm of the Imperial Sentinels. The sight of a Silver Dragon and Sentinel patrolling the skies over Argent City is not unusual, though they are aloof and rarely interfere in the city below. The daily crime and violence in Argent is the jurisdiction of others.



There are approximately 300 knights, officers, and support personal in the Imperial Sentinels. The active knights are organized into three companies;

The Imperium Primus is the largest company, consisting of 150 Sentinels who form the Palace Guard, and normally there are 60 Imperium Primus Sentinels on duty, posted at stations throughout the Palace.

The Personae Contegus are the 30 Imperial Sentinels who guard the Emperor himself. This small company of knights never leaves his presence and normally there are 10 knights with the Emperor wherever he goes.

The Cadre Draconus are those few special Sentinels chosen by one of the Elder Silver Dragons, dragons who have sworn an oath of service to the Empire. There are 10 mounted knights in this company.



Each knight wears the world-renowned armor called the Mantle of the Sentinels. These master crafted, heavy plate mail suits are magically imbued foci of powerful protective energies. The Mantle of the Sentinels can only be worn by members of the Imperial Guard. Each knight is also equipped with a massive shield emblazoned with the crest of the Emperor, and imbued with more powerful defensive spells, and each knight carries a Staff of the Word, a god -crafted artifact of eldritch power. The Imperial Sentinels are likely the most powerfully equipped military unit in the world.

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